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Grant Managemet


Staffing, Reporting, & Analytics - Our Commitment to Management Includes
  1. Explaining the grant’s status including income, and expenditures line by line item including but not limited to remaining funds.

  2. Implementation: Update the funder on what was originally planned and what has been accomplished to per quarterly milestone metrics system.

  3. Measure program results as the grant work progresses. Providing the funder with information on the degree to which the program is producing the results that were expected.

  4. Changes: If an alteration of the planned approach is needed to achieve the best outcomes, we explain what changes were needed and why.

  5. Challenges, Successes, and Lessons: documenting specific challenges, as well as successes, the program achieved. Utilizing best practices approach for future funding.

  6. Attaching pictures, news clips, letters from the people benefiting from the program, or other relevant information to bring the report alive and engage the funder more deeply.

Every grant requires staffing, outreach, financial, and program progress reports. With the hectic work pace that often accompanies receipt of a grant award, it’s critical to establish a system for recording when reports and adding reminders of upcoming deadlines.

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